Sunday 1 June 2014

Registry trick to allow you to continue receiving Windows XP updates

Even though Microsoft ended Windows XP support last April, you can apparently still get updates for the OS using a simple registry trick.

The trick relies on the fact that while Microsoft has ended support for XP it continues to support Windows Embedded PoSReady 2009, an OS based on the XP kernel, untill 2019. The registry key will trick Windows Update into thinking you’re actually running PoSReady 2009 and therefore you’re still entitled to updates. There’s no guarantee all updates will work perfectly since XP and PoSReady 2009 aren’t exactly the same OS. The trick only works on the 32-bit version of XP!

To reenable updates you simply need to create a registry key called “HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA\PosReady” and there create a Dword called “Installed” with a value set to 1. You can do this manually using regedit, or create a .reg file using notepad and paste in the following:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Then you can simply run the .reg file to add the values to the registry.
Once again, this is an unofficial hack, neither TECHNOROOTS or Microsoft is responsible when stuff breaks after using this registry tweak. Microsoft may patch this workaround at any time, besides, if you’re stil running Windows XP you should really consider upgrading to a more recent, more secure, constantly updated OS like Windows 7 or Windows 8.1


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