Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Fin: ring that turns your palm into a touch interface

Fin enables users to control devices like smartphones, car radios and smart TVs via Bluetooth.
            Smart glasses! Smart watches! Smart… rings?
A Kerela based start-up has developed 'Fin,' a new gesture based wearable transmitter that turns your hand into a touch interface. The device lets the user make phone calls, text without touching their smartphone as well as adjust the volume of their TV.
The ring shaped device is worn on the thumb and uses Bluetooth to communicate with different devices. Earlier, the device had five pre-programmed gestures. However in its final iteration users will be able to create customized programs on an app that will come with the device. Fin's creators hope that their device will help people who are visually impaired.
According to the company the device can last up to a month on a single charge in power saving mode. Fin will be launched in September and will be available in five different colors for $120. Nattukallingal and his team aim to raise $100,000 in flexible funding on crowdfunding site Indiegogo; as of now the campaign has raised more than $20,000 with 18 days remaining.
“Fin is a real life buddy for every individual to do their digital interactions as natural as possible. Fin is a trendy gadget you can wear on the thumb and make your whole palm as a digital touch interface” says the company about this gadget.
"People in today's world are becoming more busy, but still they are wasting a lot of time interacting with their smart devices," Rohildev Nattukallingal, founder of the Koch-based RHL Vision Technologies, the startup behind Fin.
"Fin removes this interaction gap by allowing users to quickly interact with those devices," said Nattukallingal.
Wearable tech gadgets are on the rise, a new Bluetooth enabled 'Smarty Ring' raised more than $299,049 on crowdfunding site Indiegogo last month. The ring lets users check their smartphone alerts and manage incoming calls right from their finger. The ring can be used as a watch, phone finder and a timer and is compatible with both iOS and Android devices which have Bluetooth 4.0.

Source: Indiegogo , Thinkdigit


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