Tuesday 16 July 2013

What is Thunderclap?

If a tweet falls in the forest...
Social media is an easy way to say something, but it’s a difficult way to be heard. Thunderclap is the first-ever crowdspeaking platform that helps people be heard by saying something together. It allows a single message to be mass-shared, flash mob-style, so it rises above the noise of your social networks. By boosting the signal at the same time, Thunderclap helps a single person create action and change like never before.
You don't need a huge following for a successful Thunderclap.
A user with 200 Facebook friends could amplify her message better than someone with 3,000 friends. It all depends on your cause's voice and shareability—and how much your friends are engaged. Thunderclap has already reached millions of people. Check out some of the successful projects on our homepage!
The tipping point

The beauty of Thunderclap is that it sets the goalposts: one message, one number, one date. It's a common threshold you and your supporters work toward together. It's a tangible way to measure awareness.

To Join Thunderclap now Go to below Link


Hi this is umang, Founder of TechnoRoots.i am a computer science student and a very passionate techno lover guy who loves technology more than anything else. Stay in love with TechnoRoots for getting all the latest updates in Tech and Computer World.


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