Thursday, 30 May 2013

HP Split x2 hybrid notebook

                     What do you think of hybrids? Most of the time, hybrids deliver the best of both worlds. Some of the most famous fictional hybrids would include Blade the vampire hunter, where he has all the strengths of a vampire with little of their weaknesses, as they call him the Daywalker. Having said that, if you were a piece of consumer electronics – most notably a tablet, would you wish you were a notebook instead, and vice versa? Why not enjoy the best of both worlds with what HP has managed to come up in the form of the HP Split x2, which so happens to be a two-in-one detachable notebook that merges the power as well as portability of a tablet and notebook, running on Windows 8 as the operating system of choice.
                    With a powerful 3rd generation Intel Core processor running underneath the hood, you can be sure that the HP Split x2 will not come gimped right from the get go. With the HP Split x2, you are more or less assured of a high-performance ultraportable notebook that is suitable for just about any kind of intensive task, and as and when the situation calls for it, it also doubles up as a 13-inch tablet that delivers unparalleled entertainment capability – especially when you need to unwind after a particularly difficult day at work by playing your favorite games and watching some interesting cat videos, amongst others.

                    The HP Split x2 will be able to deliver regardless of whether you use it as a high-performance notebook or a tablet, thanks to its vibrant 13.3-inch diagonal HD touchscreen display that makes viewing and sharing content a snap, while playing games is a whole lot more enjoyable due to the increased viewing real estate. Your ears, too, will be able to appreciate the inclusion of HP Connected Music and Beats Audio that is touted to offer the best-sounding, richest audio experience on a computer.
The HP Split x2 is tipped to arrive Stateside this August from $799.99 onwards.


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